Sunday, March 17, 2013

Serial Planes: Volumetric Transformations

Serial Planes are units of form that represent planar sections of an overall volume or English my project has one shape staying the same design, but progressing from small to big to small again. The shape I chose to create was a flower. Originally I had thought to use foam board seeing as we were not to use Bristol board on this project,but the foam board was not working out. I ended up using gutter guard for the actual shapes. It was light weight and flexible, and easy to cut. An unusual material, but I think it really worked out nicely. To make the actual structure I used a copper piece of wire to form into a shape of a vine. I wanted the project to stick with the floral theme and look natural. I chose two colors that can be seen from two ways. The serial plane can either look as if the flowers are growing down the vine, or up.

Polyhedral Structures

A polyhedron is a volumetric solid made by combining polygons. The shapes are constructed out of Bristol board and have been used throughout the first few assignments. By understanding the basic construction of polyhedrons, other structures can be created. The shapes (in order) are the Hexadron(a cube), the Octahedron(diamond), the Icosahedron, the Dodecahedron, and lastly the Tetrahedron( the pyramid).