Saturday, February 23, 2013

Archimedean Solid: Lantern with Face and Edge Treatment

        This solid was perhaps my favorite assignment so far. I finally stopped thinking about the shape as a solid and really looked to see what else it could be. Again we were to create another archimedean solid, but with face(surface), edge, or vertex treatment. We had to choose two of the three to design. I chose the surface and edge treatment. When I looked at the archimedean solid: the cuboctahedron I instantly saw a lantern. For the surface design I had created a lotus print that I transferred on to every side and cut out the petals giving a petal or spiked quality to the bristol board.
         I then had found a turquoise and gold fabric that I thought would look great with the edges. I had decided to cut the edges out, while still keeping the structure and place the fabric inside to create a simple, but elegant pattern on the outside. I did not want to go too over the top, but I had been using Indian lanterns as my reference and many had pieces of lamps in descending order and I chose to continue to do the same with my shape.

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